About Me

Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
I am just a simple girl who is 16 turning 17. However, I love reading and can devour a book in a day depending on my interest. I am from Sekolah Rendah Seri Sempurna and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Mutiara. My blog contains my feelings and I would treat it like my diary. I would express myself here. If you would like to know me better visit this blog ^.^ Anyway I hope you'll enjoy this blog and be blessed thorough it! =P

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Yesterday's tuition class was..
   A memorable one ^.^

First of all...
My parents came home late, ate dinner late..
   Consequence: I left the house late.. AND reached tuition late =.="
        So when I entered class.. 
           I was the last person *LOLZ*

Mr. Wong:   *Ahem* *Looks at the clock* WHAT TIME IS IT AR???
Me           :   *speechless*
Mr. Wong:   Late AGAIN!!! (and whacks my head *ouch*)
Me           :   Errr... (walks to the back to sit next to YHoong)
Mr. Wong:   WAIT!! Sit another place!! Next to that guy..
Me           :   *blur* 0.0??
Student x  :   Mr. Wong she dunno what you are saying about...
Mr. Wong:   Then you explain to her lar..
Student x :    Nothing then..
Mr. Wong :  (Starts explaining) Boys and girls must sit next to each other..
                   So that you don't be noisy and talk so much.. 
                   Compulsory from next week onwards..
Me           : =.=" ( don't care about him and change seat to sit next to YHoong)

Then continue to  teach.. teach.. TEACH..
(Add Maths - Combinations)
 Class was quite relaxing as the chapter was quite easy..

Atmosphere in the class..

 We were talking about dice, dices and die..

Mr Wong's definition : Dice   = singular
                                   Dices = plural
                                    Die    = Matilah


Actual definition       : Dice   = plural   
                                    Dices  = cut into cubes
                                      Die     = singular


at 9.30 pm


LIGHTS OUT!!! *wOoOooTs*
(someone forgot to pay the bills ^.^)

Everyone wanted to go back home..
   The whole class was hot, stuffy and DARK! (9.30pm lolz)
BUT we still had to study because we wanted were forced to do so by the TYRANT!
     Study under the torchlight.. (spoil eyesight) zzz..
        Everyone was murmuring and complaining..

Mr. Wong : Weih!!! Why you all like that one??!!
                     Cannot tahan meh half hour more only..
                        Got no more time to waste already.. This year is SPM YEAR!! =P

But after being scolded..
Class was quiet again..

Mr. Wong: You all should appreciate this lar.. 
                    Sure you will remember this class one..
                         All of  you study in the dark together.. so romantic.. 

*err.. sounds so wrong.. LOLZ*

About 10 minutes later... (9.45pm)


*Blinks*.. Too bright for my eyes to readjust =P

Haha.. yup.. it was a memorable night ^.^

Funny thing is..
It always happens on Wednesday night only.. already 3 times lol??


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